Welcome to the FAQ!
Scroll through the page to maybe have some of your questions answered!
What motivated you to start fansubbing?
Our group started fansubbing The Seven Deadly Sins: Four Knights of the Apocalypse as a NON PROFIT project, because there were none at the time of the release, no official subs, no fansubs. If nothing had changed, the fans wouldn't have any ways of watching it, while being able to understand anything that's being said. That is when we pull up to the stage, acting as some sort of middlemen between the anime and the community, providing translations and ways for people to watch it.
Where can I watch the episodes?
There are 2 ways of watching we currently support. The first one is at the "Releases" page of our website, you'll be redirected to our releases on a third-party website called Nyaa (torrent client required.). As for the 2nd option, it's easier and more convenient, it's in MP4 format, and you can watch for free, straight from our Discord server, without any ads!
What do you think of other websites uploading your subs?
While we do NOT recommend watching through these means for lots of reasons (specially the security ones.) However we are not bothered by them taking our subs since we just want as many people to be able to enjoy it as possible.
SuBs WeN?!
We don't give deadlines for the subs releases. This is a measure we took to avoid rushing the subs and delivering a bad product. We only ask you: please, don't be rude to the staff members. They're putting all their effort in their free time to fansub the episodes for you all. Not a fan of waiting? Complain to Netflix, not to us.